Monday, October 21, 2013

Question from tonight's class

My question was, "What factors contribute to the reading difficulties many students who are deaf or hard of hearing face/experience?"

I would say that the physical aspect of children who were born deaf are instantly set back from children who aren't. I would think it would be due, mainly to the fact, that we learn language at an early age, just from being exposed to hearing it so much.


  1. Certainly children who are born deaf do not have access to spoken language because they are not exposed to it or have access to it in an auditory way. On page 245 the author shares research that identifies specific factors that are critical for reading proficiency that can certainly be linked to your thoughts on limited access to spoken language. What are these?

  2. well it says that dificulties in phonological awareness is pretty consistent. It further goes on to mention prior knowledge, affect, and metacognition play big rolls in understanding reading. Also there is the five reasons listed on pg 244. but much of those depend on teaching in my personal opinion.


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