Monday, October 21, 2013


List the most significant factors to consider when identifying/ choosing communication and instructional decisions?
- Being open minded
- Parents ideas and opinions
-Every child is different and needs different learning techniques
- What makes the child learn more and reach maximum potential

1 comment:

  1. Yes, it is critical to remain open to the all options and opportunities. Since every child different as you point out, what are the specific factors about the child that would help lead to a decision that best meets the needs of the child? At the top of page 234 Kuder lists 3 specific aspects of the child to consider.

    As you, point out Rachel, there are others which important to consider when trying to decide what communication method will best meet the needs of the child. In order for the child to learn and reach his/her maximum potential what about the child would you need to consider?

    Others thoughts?


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