Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pregnant Turkey???

So... I've always heard you can help someone remember you by telling something embarrassing about yourself. Well, here it goes.

My Junior year of High School, I was 16 years old. My uncle who always loves to play tricks, and joke around, brought his wife and son to my house to visit for Thanksgiving. While walking through Kroger he gets the idea to buy a cornish hen, and stick it inside our Turkey that they were cooking for Thanksgiving Day. I was at home at this time, so I had no idea any of this planning was going on.

Thanksgiving Day rolls around and my mom walks into my room saying, "Kara Beth, GET UP!! We have cooked a pregnant turkey!!" I jump out of my bed, run to the kitchen (all of this is on video,btw!) open the oven and see the cornish hen inside the turkey. I was so excited! I called all my friends, "you will NEVER believe this! We cooked a pregnant turkey! This is so crazy!!" I asked my mom if we could call LEX 18 and get it on the news. Then I turn around to see her fake calling Butterball to ask if it would still be okay for us to eat. They really made me believe that we had something no one else had ever done.

After about a half hour of this going on, my uncle finally looks at me and says, "KB, you DO know that turkeys lay eggs, right?"

Kara Beth then exits the room, feeling about as small as an ant. Haha!

Just call me Pregnant Turkey girl.

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